
Monday, November 3, 2014

Bye bye red

For now at least.  I was starting to slow down on her and was thinking about starting something new to get away from all the red but then I scolded myself for not sticking to it.  And then I found this:

Joan Elliott's Cinderella's set

Isn't this beautiful! I downloaded the digital copy of the magazine. It can be found in Cross Stitch Collection Christmas 2014. 
I just knew I had to start it right away.  So, I'm not seeing red anymore. At least not for a bit. 

Here's my progress on the first part called Cinderella in rags 

Happy Stitching!


  1. That's great progress so far with some really beautiful colours. Well done! :)

  2. Wow amazing progress on this already. I have been searching for this mag since I saw this post!!

    1. Thanks! I downloaded the digital copy from my news stand on my Ipad. Then I just printed a working copy for myself. I am in LOVE with this set.
